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Cateno De Luca: A Politician Who Does Things His Own Way

From Controversial Mayor to Beloved Figure

Cateno De Luca's unorthodox approach to politics has won him both praise and criticism

Cateno Roberto De Luca, born March 18, 1972, is an Italian politician who has been the mayor of Messina, Sicily, since 2018. He is known for his outspoken and often controversial style, but he has also gained a loyal following due to his commitment to transparency and his focus on local issues.

De Luca's political career began in the early 2000s when he was elected to the municipal council of Messina. He quickly rose through the ranks and in 2018 was elected mayor with the support of a broad coalition of left-wing and centrist parties.

Since becoming mayor, De Luca has implemented a number of policies that have both angered and impressed his constituents. He has cracked down on organized crime, fought to reduce corruption, and invested heavily in public works projects. He has also been known to make controversial statements and engage in public feuds with his political opponents.
